Recent News
Concern about Grove Gardens
The Council are planning to start leaving the Garden unlocked overnight.
All candidates for Twickenham MP support Udney Park CPO
Parliamentary candidates all support community ownership for Udney Park Playing Fields
Park Lane Stables Redevelopment Complete
Park Lane Stables has emerged from the refurbishment work
Teddington RNLI Open Day
Teddington Society were there to help celebrate at the recent RNLI Open Day
Teddington Footbridges
Teddington Footbridges closure dates announced, to facilitate ramp replacement
Donation to the Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital
We are delighted to support The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital in helping to enhance the experiences of teenagers undergoing treatment. It is our hope that the revamped Teen Areas will provide comfort and encouragement to those in need.
Thames Water's Teddington Direct River Abstraction Scheme
This proposed scheme would build a new abstraction (water removal) facility on the Ham Lands riverside above Teddington Weir, together with a new discharge facility also on the Ham Lands riverside. See for the Thames Water proposal and justification.
River Thames Scheme
The River Thames Scheme plans to “reduce the risk of flooding to thousands of homes, businesses and vital infrastructure while unlocking the economic, health and environmental benefits of the river between Egham and Teddington and responding to the challenges of climate change and nature recovery”.
Community Gardening
The Teddington Society has now adopted and planted up the square brick planter outside the old police station and will be dedicating this planter to the memory of our former Chairman, Sheena Harold.
Benches for Teddington
The Society has, in cooperation with the Council, paid for the refurbishment of the seating in the Elmfield House / Elmfield Road open space area as a memorial to Sheena Harold, our former Chairman. The Society has also arranged for the Council to install two new wooden benches as a memorial to Ann Sayer, a former leader of the Riverside Group, on the triangle green opposite St Mary’s.